Reflections of Inspiration

Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse – “What subject keeps you coming back? This week, show us your muse.”


I love being outside, the fresh air, the natural light. I prefer it to the manufactured feel of indoors. Whenever I can, I go out, even if I only have a couple of minutes. It’s where I regroup, calm my nerves, relax, exercise. I drink my morning coffee with the sunrise. I eat my lunch with the Noon sun. When I can, I take my dinner with the chirping birds and bustling squirrels. It makes no difference to me whether it’s city or country.

I’m not much of a people photographer. Occasionally I can catch someone at just the right moment to get something good, something that reflects their personality, their passion, a moment of their life, but nature provides my canvas for my best, and favorite, photographs. I’m drawn to anything, really, but reflections always catch my eye. When the heavens meets the earth in the water of a lake, river, ocean, puddle, I feel like I can reach out and touch the sky.


*Featured Image and Post Images – Copyright Melanie (WritingInBoots)
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

21 thoughts on “Reflections of Inspiration

  1. Pingback: Thrift Story Candy | litadoolan

  2. Love it, love it, love it. Awsome Mel – reflections in lakes have always fascinated me. Thoreau writes so beautifully about it in Walden:

    ” Sky water. It needs no fence. Nations come and go without defiling it. It is a mirror which no stone can crack, whose quicksilver will never wear off, whose gilding Nature continually repairs; no storms, no dust, can dim its surface ever fresh; — a mirror in which all impurity presented to it sinks, swept and dusted by the sun’s hazy brush — this the light dust-cloth — which retains no breath that is breathed on it, but sends its own to float as clouds high above its surface, and be reflected in its bosom still.”

    Or fishing at night in Walden:

    ” It was very queer, especially in dark nights, when your thoughts had wandered to vast and cosmogonal themes in other spheres, to feel this faint jerk, which came to interrupt your dreams and link you to Nature again. It seemed as if I might next cast my line upward into the air, as well as downward into this element, which was scarcely more dense. Thus I caught two fishes as it were with one hook.”

    Love reflections Mel – great pics!


    • Thank you Paul. Reflections are pretty amazing, aren’t they? If they weren’t Narcissus never would have had his issues.
      Walden is one of my favorites. I love the idea of it, the simplicity of it, though I’m not likely to ever live, for any amount of time, more than ten minutes from the nearest grocery store.


There you have it. Your turn.