Seven Observations

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up led by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields at Addicted to PurpleThe Challenge – write a one hundred word (plus or minus) story with a beginning, middle, and end inspired by the picture*. The Key – make every word count.

The picture is worth a thousand words. Below are my one hundred.

Image © Marie Gail Stratford

Seven Observations From My First Two Weeks of Working From Home

  1. mouse-on-the-prowlI drink too much coffee.
  2. I use too much toilet paper.
  3. The History and Travel channels are awesome distractions background noise.
  4. It’s pretty nice to be able to start my work day in my pajamas and take a shower at lunch. (Not that I do that.*)
  5. Lizards jumping on the screen of my office window startle me every time.
  6. It’s important to keep my office door closed between the hours of 12:00pm – 1:00pm and 5:00pm – 8:00am for a modicum of separation.
  7. The walls don’t talk, but they listen well.

*I totally do that.


100 words (numbers included) of actual observations. Feedback is always appreciated. Click below to read other creative contributions to this week’s Friday Fictioneers photo prompt.


The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

25 thoughts on “Seven Observations

    • Is that a problem for people who work from home? I hadn’t considered that. I had enough hangovers in my 20s to last a lifetime. I’d rather not suffer those ever again!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. With our son and his family in CT, he is a long time work at home type. He comes up from his basement office during the day, headset on, chit chatting to people all over the world. Grabs a shower mid-morning between conference calls or a fresh cup of coffee. We spoke about any possible move back to 9-5 in a cube, “never happen” he says. He says he gets more done, no one sitting on his desk chatting about a ball game, office drama and the like. Seize the moment, enjoy your environment. The Best, http:\\


    • I will go back once a month, so I’ll get my fill of the noise and then return to my quiet home office. I do still chat with co-workers with IM, and what I like about that vs in-person is that we can answer each other as time allows and no one is stopping what they are doing for a conversation. I’ve only been at home for two weeks, so time will tell if I continue to enjoy it this way. Thanks!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Nice. And guys my blog is and is my brothers not mine, ( we share the same users ) so thats why my brother has 300 views on his blog and i only have 48 views. I really need more views, likes and comments.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The TV isn’t near my office. It’s at the opposite end of the house. I turn it on a couple hours in the morning and a couple in the afternoon just to fill the air with noise every once in a while. 🙂

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  3. Pingback: Please Excuse My Absence | This Is My Corn

There you have it. Your turn.