Through The Ages

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up led by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields at Addicted to PurpleThe Challenge – write a one hundred word (plus or minus) story with a beginning, middle, and end inspired by the picture*. The Key – make every word count.

The picture is worth a thousand words. Below are my one hundred.

*Image © Dale Rogerson


Through The Ages

The Great Storm dumped the chair in the lake. The lake revealed it once the waters receded.

As a small boy, I felt its loneliness in its abandonment. In the middle years, it became a memorial to that summer, to the hurricane so harrowing friends and neighbors disappeared overnight. As a teenager it was a testament to the long-standing decline of home. Proof of the filth otherwise whitewashed.

But on the eve of my first deployment, I ached to take it with me as a talisman, a connection. And so I took its picture and keep it in my helmet.


100 words. Feedback is appreciated. Click below to read other creative contributions to this week’s Friday Fictioneers photo prompt.


The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

30 thoughts on “Through The Ages

  1. Nicely written piece, Melanie! This reminds me of when I saw the bottom of our lake here in town. It was pretty fascinating to see all the history and mysteries revealed when the lake bed was exposed.


  2. It love how you describe the young man’s growing up, looking with growing understanding of the world at the always-present old chair. It’s very powerful how you made it a constant in his life, something he can rely on to be there, and link him to what’s worth fighting for.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for such a thorough interpretation. I’m thrilled you got this out of the story. It’s just what I was hoping for.


There you have it. Your turn.