Sunshine Spotlights

Weekly Photo Challenge–Treat: “share with us a photo of something that you consider a marvelous treat.”

Sunshine. Time outdoors. Children’s laughter. Put them all together, and I’m in heaven.

Our favorite park is about a mile from home. We ride our bikes there several times a week and while the kids play, swing, climb, and explore, I watch and take in their wonder and joy. It’s a special treat that is quickly becoming a regular indulgence.

It’s a shady park with oak trees and palm trees creating a canopy, a respite from the sub-tropical sun. But it peeks through in spots. Spanish moss drips from nearly every branch and guides the sunlight to a spotlight on the flourishing greenery.

Treat 1

*Featured and Post Images © Melanie
Creative Commons License.
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

7 thoughts on “Sunshine Spotlights

  1. How nice you can bike there. What great exercise for everyone. We have a park less than a mile from our house, but when the kids were little, I often had to drive us there because we live on too busy a street to bike on (as kids, anyway), and there’s no sidewalk for walking to it. Grr.

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