An Open Letter to U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill

Dear Senator Claire McCaskill, While I applaud the accountability for one’s words and actions that was at the center of the Senate hearing on false advertising for weight loss products, I wonder if it didn’t do more harm than good. Specifically, I am concerned about your statement on his victimization: “I know you feel that you’re…

Was Zaxby’s promoting bullying?

I’m putting my Controversy Hat on again. I usually leave it in the box because it helps the box keep its hat shape, but I’m tired of being a quiet-mouth about these ads for a popular fast-food chicken finger chain. Plus, I think the commercial run is nearly over, or over because I saw a…

Scout Law by Matt Rider

What’s Wrong With “Homosapiens Only”

First things first, I have a vagina. I wasn’t and won’t ever be a Boy Scout or a Trail Life member. I do have a son, and there may come a day when he desires to join a gender-specific group. Second things second, I’m cisgender and heterosexual. I may have no right to discuss about what…

Our Bodies Are Unacceptable

My body is unacceptable. Your body is unacceptable. Our bodies are all unacceptable, and that’s unacceptable. Why can’t the size of our smiles be a better measure of our selves than the size of our hips? Every once in a while a woman comes into the office and she often tells me she hates me…

So far, it’s a Two-thirds Solution

The content isn’t right, but to the frustrations of thousands it isn’t always exactly, technically, legally, pick a comfort adverb, wrong. It can be violent, or graphic, or graphically violent, but if it doesn’t violate the community standards, Facebook moderators allow it to remain visible. Two months ago, a campaign against skewed enforcement of the community…

The Scarlet S

My life is not easier because I am thin. I don’t have an easier time finding cute clothes. People stare at me on the street. People tell me they hate me. It’s not uncommon that at some point during a conversation I will be shut down simply because I’m thin. Let me address some of…