Population: 2

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up based on a photo prompt. The Challenge – write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle, and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) The Key – make every word count. Up to the challenge? Join in


In the first days after our plane crashed we tempered anxieties by musing over being a real life Lost. Or Castaway. Or Most Dangerous Game. Or perhaps we’ll run into Dr. Moreau? Nothing good happens on deserted islands. But growling stomachs, and animals, dampened fiery imaginations and soon enough we resigned ourselves to making camp, starting a fire, and foraging and hunting. Eventually, I think, we stopped concerning ourselves with predicting a rescue that was surely to arrive any minute, yet didn’t.

You asked if there was anything I missed about it. Yes, I say. But not what you’d expect.


100 words. Fiction. Feedback is always appreciated. Comments of any kind, really–so long as they are related to the post.

What story comes to mind when you see that picture? Join in


*Featured and Post Image Copyright – Madison Woods

**Your love, help, and support is still needed for Rara and Grayson: also known as The Queen CreativePosting Tuesdays, and Rarasaur. Help is needed, if you can. Learn more at #RawrLove.

***The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

22 thoughts on “Population: 2

    • Thanks Amy! It looks like something I wouldn’t want to come in contact with even if I was that last person on earth, so I banished it to a deserted island where someone might feel like the last person on earth.


    • Ah the limitations of 100 words. Though I must say, I’m relieved to have been relieved of the responsibility of choosing what exactly it is that was missed about the deserted island experience. I’m happy to leave that to the reader. 🙂


  1. Thank you for not ending it like I expected, with some reference to cannibalism. For example:
    You asked if there was anything I missed about it? Yes, I say. But not what you’d expect.
    The taste of human bacon.


There you have it. Your turn.