The Old Couple

The Old Couple

sheep-and-carJohnny slid the photo album from the middle of the table, spun it, and started flipping the pages, forward, back, and forward again. All the while, June argued on.

“It was goats. I was there. Goats I tell you,” she said, waving her hands. “All around the car.”

“They were sheep,” Johnny said, stopping on a page. He peeled a picture off and handed it to June. “I don’t have my glasses,” he said. “What’s there? Sheep? Yes?”

“No,” she answered. “Goats. Just like I said.”

“You old bat. You’re not wearing your glasses either,” pished Johnny. “It was sheep.”


100 words. Feedback appreciated. It’s pure fiction this week. And while I have you, your love, help, and support is needed for Rara and Grayson: also known as The Queen Creative, Posting Tuesdays, and RarasaurClick here to give.

What story comes to mind when you see that picture? Join inFriday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up based on a photo prompt. The Challenge – write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle, and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) The Key – make every word count.


*Featured and Post Image Copyright – Sandra Crook
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

26 thoughts on “The Old Couple

  1. “and starting flipping the pages” Maybe this should be “started”

    Wonderful story. My husband and I have conversations like this all the time and we “ain’t” even old yet!


    • Ah! Thanks for catching that typo. I fixed it.
      I think these conversations are probably pretty common. Some of my friends and I have these arguments over the places we’ve visited together and we’re smack in the middle of our thirties.


    • I’m hoping only my eyesight fails me in the future. I have so many memories I’d like to hold on to until death do we part.


  2. Melanie, It can be even worse when the other person just says something like, “Have it your own way.” and shuts up. That’s equally frustrating. Humorous story and good dialogue. 🙂 —Susan


  3. Dear Melanie, I remember many years ago when my husbands’ parents sounded like this. Now, we do and we laugh at ourselves for it! Thanks for the cute story and the great laugh! Nan Claire 🙂


    • You’ll get a real-life feel for it the first time you take the Little Prince to a petting/children’s zoo. Goats are greedy, always hungry, and likely to steal wallets.


      • Yeah… thanks for that.
        Note to self – no petting zoos.

        For Easter there was a mini-petting zoo at this egg hunt we took him too. He didn’t care about the animals at all, and was more interested in what all the other little kids were doing. He just sat there and watched them all running wild.


    • Of course! It’s not much, just a little note, but it’s important.
      P.s. I got your email and I will respond, I’m just overwhelmed at work right now and have been being lazy at night.


      • Thank you for letting me know about the email. Take your time. Anything you feel like contributing would be appreciated, and if you don’t, that’s fine too.
        My lazy nights are non-existent at the moment. By the time we get the Little Prince to sleep, and then get all the day’s chores done, it’s time for me to head to bed.
        “little notes” are just as important as big ones right now.


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