Buyer Beware

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up based on a photo prompt. The Challenge – write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle, and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) The Key – make every word count. Up to the challenge? Join in



“She bought the place sight-unseen,” my sister explained. “The agent said it was cheap because the previous owners had disappeared a year prior leaving everything behind, stressing the police had investigated and determined there was no foul play.”

“When my sister said that,” she continued, “I got a bad feeling, and said so, but she isn’t one to listen to ‘bad feelings’.”

Now I wish I had. Lying bound and gagged under the closet floor I couldn’t make a sound to tell her, or the cop she was talking to, that I was there and dying next to several corpses.


100 words. A work of fiction. Hopefully that’s obvious, that I’m not writing this bound and gagged in a closet. 🙂 Feedback is always appreciated. Comments of any kind, really–so long as they are related to the post.

What story comes to mind when you see that picture? Join in


*Your love, help, and support is still needed for Rara and Grayson: also known as The Queen CreativePosting Tuesdays, and Rarasaur. Help is needed, if you can. Learn more at #RawrLove.

**Featured and Post Image Copyright – Adam Ickes

***The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

28 thoughts on “Buyer Beware

    • Nightmares indeed!
      I do wonder, though, if anyone ever told HP Lovecraft, Agatha Christie, Stephen King, or even Dexter’s Jeff Lindsey this? They’re pretty creepy and could probably use an hour or two on a therapist’s couch (although it’s nearly a century too late for Lovecraft and decades so for Christie). 🙂


    • Thank you Amy! This was not the original direction I intended for this story, but when I got to the line of cheap real estate because of disappearing owners, the truth of the story revealed itself.


    • No, it doesn’t sound like there will be a happy ending for her. Hopefully the police investigate a bit more thoroughly this time.

      (I had to laugh at “ram her head” – clever!)


  1. Melanie, Creepy, scary stuff. O_o They need sniffer dogs in that place. It looks like the rest of them have head colds. I guess that finding them will have to wait for renovations or a tornedo. Well written. 🙂 —Susan


    • Thank you!
      Hopefully it’s more obvious to the police now that there is foul play happening here. Who knows. Maybe the killer is one of them and that’s how he gets away with it.


  2. it’s like looking at real estate via the internet . . . make sure you go look at it before any deal goes through. 🙂 solid story, Melanie!


    • Thank you Sun.
      Funny story, that’s how I rented the apartment I’m in now. I found it, toured, secured, and leased it all online – sight unseen. After writing this story, though, that’ll be the last time I do that!


There you have it. Your turn.