Outside Impression

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up. The Challenge – write a one hundred word (plus or minus) story with a beginning, middle, and end inspired by the picture. The Key – make every word count. Up to the challenge? Join in!


1lauren-moscatoOutside, boys stood on the corner and dared each other to jump and touch the door.
Billy whispered, “I bet the old man is watching.”
Johnny said, “Probably.”
Derrick said, “He cooked his son and served him to his mom for dinner. Then killed her, too.”
“Liar,” Johnny said.

Inside, the old man checked his son’s machines, tucked the sheets, and noted his vitals. Then he donned fairy wings and sat to tea from polka-dot cups in two chairs better fit for the dolls that were his company while his five-year-old granddaughter bounced about serving her guests, stuffed and breathing alike.


101 words. Fiction. Feedback is always appreciated. Comments of any kind really — so long as they are related to the post. What story comes to mind when you see that picture? Join in!

*Image © Copyright – Lauren Moscato
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

30 thoughts on “Outside Impression

    • Thanks Paul. I knew by Tuesday, no matter the setting, there would probably be a murderer-not-a-murderer twist. I was glad to see the closed door in the photo.
      I’ll stop by for a read now. Thanks for letting me know. 🙂


  1. How interesting…… Two different points of view based on nothing but a picture….. Only a few words and yet the mind can create and morph its own novel around them. Very influencing. Thank you for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

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