While On a Triumph Thruxton

Weekly Photo Challenge – Careful: “show us careful — a photo taken with care, a person being careful, or a task or detail requiring care.”


Friday afternoon I landed back in Florida after a week of travelling. Shortly after plopping back on my couch with my suitcase and briefcase taunting me with post-travel responsibilities, my phone whistled a text message alert: “can head north when given permission.” Impromptu plans were made: “head north, and bring a helmet for me.” The weekend would not be a boring one.

Florida does not require helmets. While we were in the neighborhood—on a one mile ride at the limited 25 MPH to the restaurant we picked to try for lunch—we skipped the helmets to see what that was actually like. But when we ventured out of the neighborhood, taking the highway 20 miles west to eat a restaurant that redefines sandwiches in a life-changing way, we did not take any risks. One should be careful when on a motorcycle, whether the law requires it or not.


*Featured and Post Images © Melanie
Creative Commons License.
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

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