Working From Home

Copyright – Renee HeathWorking From Home

The list is growing, interrupted with drop this and do that, and even asap gets lost in the mix.

The spreadsheet is really pretty, colorful — but the wrong colors, the unfinished colors: outstanding.

The phone rings. The email dings. Notifications. Alerts. Now. Now. Now. Save this. Send that. Print this. Order that.

And the wax drips as the flame flicks from exacerbated exhalations. Growing tendrils, unpredictable and consistent, undeterred by the chaos that fuels its growth. A perk of a perk, the lantern isn’t necessary for light or heat, and the candle isn’t even scented. It is momentary meditation, procrastination.


100 words. Feedback appreciated. This is a life-inspired piece. I am so very – albeit happily – busy at work. It is thrilling and terrifying. This is year two so I feel confident with repeating responsibilities, and constantly second-guess myself on new areas. I’m doing more, I’m learning more, I’m loving it more, and ohmygoodness I can’t breathe. I don’t work from home, but if I did, I think I’d like something like this to look at while I wonder what to do first.

Do you love your job, but sometimes wonder if it isn’t too much? What story comes to mind when you see that picture? Join inFriday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up based on a photo prompt. The Challenge – write a one hundred word story that has a beginning, middle, and end. (No one will be ostracized for going a few words over the count.) The Key – make every word count.


*Featured and Post Image Copyright – Renee Heath
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

29 thoughts on “Working From Home

    • Writing this story has made me realize that I have nothing on my work desk that I can use to focus on a moment of relaxation and centering. I think it’s time I changed that. 🙂


  1. Melanie, Good story. 🙂 I think we’ve all had those moments when the world seems to be bearing down on us, blaring at us. We have to try and find a quiet place inside ourselves and just relax once in a while. Well done. 🙂


  2. I echo Janet there. The pace of that story really made me feel hurried, too. You bright it to life big time. The slow-melting candle also juxtaposed over the story made it work great. Nice job, Melanie!


    • Thank you! I was lost for an idea on this one until I had “one of those days” at work. I’m happy to hear the story works. Thank you for the feedback.


  3. This is a click-right-along piece that makes one want a cup of tea to relax. The pacing is great from beginning to end. Favorite line? And the wax drips as the flame flicks. Kudos.


  4. You captured the essence of my worktime at the moment – too realistically – I had briefly forgotten about the mountain of things I need to do! I like the different pace between the work-time language and the final paragraph. (I don’t think I said that very well, but hope you get what I mean 🙂 )


    • I know how you feel, and I get what you mean. 🙂 I’m glad you found a moment’s distraction – it balances the insanity.


There you have it. Your turn.