Midday in Midtown


Dogwood Festival, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, Georgia, 13 April 2014

This was my favorite moment of the whole day. Everyone should be free to love who their heart desires. Most people didn’t notice, or pay attention to, or care about the scene set in front of them – just as it should be. And it was a scene. Baton Bob* and his friend danced, yelled, and sang their way – one up the hill, the other down the hill – to their kiss.

*Baton Bob is a street performer in Atlanta, GA. He used to live in St. Louis, MO, and is a significant local personality in both cities.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Split-Second Story. The object: “For this week’s challenge, we want you to become a documentary photographer and attempt to capture a candid moment of a person, place, or thing. Put your National Geographic hat on and tell a story by documenting a moment in time through a single image.”


*Featured and Post Image are mine: Dogwood Festival, Piedmont Park, Atlanta, Georgia, 13 April 2014
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

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  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Split-Second Story | The Panama Adventure

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