Lovin’ Summer Love

IMG_2035What do I love most about summer? Uninterrupted time with my children. It’s the best part! They live with their dad. They shouldn’t, but they do (thanks to an idiot judge who doesn’t believe domestic violence is real or a valid reason for divorce). Summer is when we don’t have to rush our love into a 48-hour weekend. Summer is when he forgets about them–doesn’t call and rarely Skypes.

Summer is when we hug everyday, sometimes for no reason at all. It’s when we make memories and grow our bond even stronger than I thought possible; when we talk about anything and everything, laugh at ourselves and life, and play and play and play. It’s late nights and even later mornings. It’s playdates and pool parties, two things they don’t get with their dad. It’s sleepovers in mom’s bed, and all the kicks, punches, and crooked necks that come with it. It’s coloring with whatever colors we not, not just the “proper” ones. It’s learning to be mad without fights and fists, learning how unconditional love really feels.

It’s revisiting old favorites, and finding new ones. Our favorite new find this summer is The Anderson’s Sunflowers. Flanked on two sides by state highways in Cumming, Georgia, it is a popular spot for photographs and a little afternoon fun running through the fields. It’s the perfect place to stop and smell the roses, except the roses are sunflowers.


It was a mostly cloudy afternoon and it even rained a bit, but the beauty of it all made up for the lack of sunshine.

The kids thoroughly enjoyed it, and so did I, but it was better for watching their joy as they found more and more flowers bigger than their heads.


When it was time to go, we walked the perimeter of the field, and then grabbed a half-dozen souvenir sunflowers to take along with another memory of togetherness.

2014-07-24 20.44.30

Weekly Photo Challenge: Summer Lovin’ – “Show us something you love. It could be your favorite novel, the light of the moon on your deck at night, the beach on a hot day, or that special you-know-who.”


Your love, help, and support is still needed for Rara and Grayson: also known as The Queen CreativePosting Tuesdays, and RarasaurHelp is neededif you can. Learn more at #RawrLove and get the latest update here: Send ’em if you got ’em.


*Featured and Post Image are mine: The Anderson’s Sunflowers, 24 July 2014
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

12 thoughts on “Lovin’ Summer Love

    • Oh me too! I’m glad they were in the mood to cooperate. Sometimes they see my camera come out and do everything but smile. 🙂


  1. I often joke that the term ‘endless summer’ means something very different when you are an adult, but your description makes me long for an endless summer again, the kind I had as a kid and not a harried adult. Glad that you have been able to stop and smell the sunflowers.


    • I too would love an ‘endless summer’. One filled with fun and laughter and not taxing responsibilities or alarm clocks. Sigh. I’m afraid I’ll have to wait for retirement for that. 🙂


  2. I just adore sunflowers. They are so wonderfully happy. I am glad you have this time with your children, and I am sorry the justice system failed you. I love that you take them to see sunflowers. What beautiful memories you’re making. Way to make the best of a not the best situation. 🙂


    • Thank you Dani! Sunflowers are just so wonderful. I love that they are so big and so bright! We have such a wonderful time together in the summer, making memories that will carry us through to the next.


There you have it. Your turn.