Boat on the Lake at Dusk

Weekly Photo Challenge: Silhouette – “This week, experiment with light and capture a silhouette.”

Boat on the Lake at Dusk

Boat on the Lake at Dusk


Your love, help, and support is still needed for Rara and Grayson: also known as The Queen CreativePosting Tuesdays, and RarasaurHelp is neededif you can. Learn more at #RawrLove.


*Featured and Post Image Copyright – Melanie

**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

4 thoughts on “Boat on the Lake at Dusk

  1. I see this post twice, is that because you edited it? I edit my published posts several times everyday. Is that what’s happening to mine?


    • It’s probably because I hit “publish” too soon and didn’t have a title, so I edited it to fix that. Do you see it once as “WPC” and once as “Boat on the Lake at Dusk”?


There you have it. Your turn.