Moonlight Meet Streetlight

Weekly Photo Challenge: Refraction — “For this photo challenge, show us what “refraction” means to you. It could be an image taken in a reflective surface, it could be light bent from behind an object, or it could mean remedial math homework: the choice is completely up to you. ”



I stepped outside for a moment of silence, a moment to reflect on the adventure I was experiencing. After the bottomless glass of wine with the delicious and rich dinner, I needed some fresh air. I needed the crisp cool breeze characteristic of the land near the lake, so totally opposite of the thick heat still smothering my Atlanta home. I needed the soft cloud-covered moonlight of the harvest moon. I needed a cigarette and a moment without a crowd. I pointed my camera up, and then there it was, the artificial light reaching to touch the natural light, man and nature coming together in the atmosphere of the evening.


*Featured Image – Copyright Melanie (WritingInBoots)

**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

8 thoughts on “Moonlight Meet Streetlight

  1. That’s an amazing photo Melanie. I don’t belive your story though – I think it is a UFO in that cloud and that it is beaming up an alien from the building to the Mother ship in orbit. Ha!

    I think the funniest Refraction story I have (and i didn’t get a photo) was our cat sitting on the table in front of the corner of an aquarium and swiping her paw around the corner of the aquarium to try and swat at fish inside. Of course, because of refraction her paw went out of sight when it went around the corner and she was surprised and poked her head around the corner to see where her paw had gone. ha!

    Awesome photo Melanie. Well done.


    • Thank you Paul. Who knows, it could have been a UFO. That would explain how I got there. 😉
      I bet that was so funny to watch your cat look for her paw! I’m sure the fish were glad she was otherwise occupied. 🙂


There you have it. Your turn.