Monthly Peace Challenge: I Have a Dream

Monthly Peace Challenge: I Have a Dream. Publish what your dream of peace looks like. The complications of peace are too much to wrap my head around. I’ve never tried to dream of world peace, only pieces of peace. World peace is so complex, what with money and religion, from wars to divorce. That’s asking for human…

Monthly Peace Challenge: Quote This

Monthly Peace Challenge: For this month’s Peace Challenge, I challenge you to post a quotation that will bring peace to the world. There are a million bazillion quotes about peace. Peace this, peace that, peace peace peace. There’s even a mention of peace in that big’ol famous (not so much anymore, probably never really was) movie that…

Monthly Peace Challenge: Peace at Home

Monthly Peace Challenge Peace at Home: This month I challenge you to explore how to have peace in relationships or how to have peace at home. I gather from the prompt examples, the relationships and homes up for discussion challenge are of the love variety. I either have to take a Fail on this one and…

Road Peace

I have a thing against Road Rage. I don’t get why some people feel it’s necessary or gives them some kind of advantage. Crawling up my bumper isn’t going to get any of us anywhere any faster. I’m more of a writer than a mathematician, but I can do the basics of distance equals rate times…