Lost Cause

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up. The Challenge – write a one hundred word (plus or minus) story with a beginning, middle, and end inspired by the picture. The Key – make every word count. Up to the challenge? Join in!



They tried signs, but the kids ignored them. They tried a fence, but the kids scaled it. Nothing stopped the kids from climbing the abandoned boxcars, throwing parties in the fields, or sneaking off for sex. City Council was desperate.

“Back in my day we respected that which wasn’t ours,” Councilman Jones said.

“This behavior is inexcusable,” Councilman Smith said.

Councilman Johnson shook his head, “It’s a travesty.”

Councilman Merriweather asked, “What is it about the forbidden that’s so attractive?”

After some debate it was decided the signs and fence would come down, and then one night the boxcars disappeared.


100 words. Fiction. Feedback is always appreciated. Comments of any kind really — so long as they are related to the post. What story comes to mind when you see that picture? Join in!

*Image © Copyright – Jennifer Pendergast
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

22 thoughts on “Lost Cause

    • Perhaps. Or maybe City Council had them moved. Or the company retrieved them. Or something else altogether.
      Thanks micklively


  1. Great take, Melanie! I wish I would have written this. I mean it. I like this direction. It seems that’s what often happens in these situations, things disappear. Out of sight, of a mind. But too bad for the kids. I can see the allure. Well done. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Wait. Then there’s the water tower, the billboard on the old Majestic Theatre, and all the oaks in the square.

    Let’s not forget John Riley’s junkyard with the three story pile of rust buckets, and the old Berrie Dam at the Gorge Reservoir, the Massanick Mill, and those new wind turbines the town just put in to generate electricity.

    And then there’s….

    Good story.

    Liked by 1 person

There you have it. Your turn.