Before Dark

Friday Fictioneers is a weekly blog link-up led by Rochelle Wisoff-Fields at Addicted to PurpleThe Challenge – write a one hundred word (plus or minus) story with a beginning, middle, and end inspired by the picture*. The Key – make every word count.

The picture is worth a thousand words. These are another one hundred.

Before Dark

*Image Copyright © Madison Woods


The drive-thru was empty. The window was shut reflecting the field she had followed trying to figure out how she had come to be walking barefoot in nowhere.

She looked in the window. Peered around. Knocked. No one noticed.

She looked at the window and saw the field, saw the paramedics lifting her onto a gurney, her shoes on the ground, her missing windshield, the upside-down truck, the bright lights, the band, the dancing, the affair, children, marriage, college, high school, elementary, fishing, doll houses, scraping her knee, hugging her mom, and her vision closed in on her and disappeared.


100 words. Fiction. Feedback is always appreciated.

Click below to read other creative contributions to this week’s Friday Fictioneers photo prompt.

The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

24 thoughts on “Before Dark

    • Thank you Amy. It was tough to pick enough common times of life to capture a whole life, but not so many as to be too specific and/or go over the word count.


    • Drive-thru’s have probably contributed to their fair share of life endings, so might as well set one here, even if it was a car accident.


There you have it. Your turn.