City Blocks

Weekly Photo Challenge – Grid: We often superimpose a mental grid over things we photograph to help with composition. This week, let’s go literal.


I’m not entirely sure this actually qualifies as a literal grid. I spent my weekend writing a story for the flash fiction contest (48 hours to produce a 1000 word story based on assigned prompts), unpacking boxes, and playing with my kids. I couldn’t even stand to look at my computer last night,, must less type one more word, to prepare this ahead of time. My brain is still a little mushy today.

Downtown St. Louis from the top of the Arch


As soon as I can, I’ll post my second contest submission to the contest for your thoughts and feedback. I received suspense as my genre, a diamond mine as my location, and a toy car as my object. Title: The Day My Earth Quaked. Synopsis: Julia gets trapped in a tunnel of an abandoned diamond mine while trying to use social media to save a suicidal friend living across the country.


*Featured and Post Images © Melanie (WritingInBoots) (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

4 thoughts on “City Blocks

    • I did pull it off! I was pretty sure I had when writing/revising it made my hands sweat and heart pound. 😉 And thanks to my early readers and their red pens, it’s as tight as it could be with 48 hours to do it. Now it’s in the judges hands. I just hope it doesn’t get a 0 score.
      Thanks Amy!


There you have it. Your turn.