Monthly Peace Challenge: Peace at Home

Monthly Peace Challenge
Peace at HomeThis month I challenge you to explore how to have peace in relationships or how to have peace at home.

I gather from the prompt examples, the relationships and homes up for discussion challenge are of the love variety. I either have to take a Fail on this one and say see you next month and not even give this further thought, or I have to take a Fail on this one and give this further thought.

dumper. dumpee. divorced. shit! piss! fail.

I’m 35 29, so I’ve had, like, 13 years of dating (and marriage) failures to learn from. I’m 1 failed relationship short of a Master of Fail in Sucks-At-Love. But you learn more from your failures than your successes, right. Right?

I’ve succeeded in having nearly every relationship end qualified as a natural disaster. To peace-up my next long-term relationship – should I actually start dating again, or at least have the date not have a “car accident” and cancel – I send thee, the future sucker boyfriend, a Letter of Qualified Advice.


Dear Nonexistent Future Boyfriend With Whom Partial or Complete Co-Habitation May Occur,

Don’t drive my car. I’ll drive my car and you drive your car. The seat, the mirrors, the music, they’re all set perfectly. Why mess with perfection? Unless I’m drunk, then you better drive my car – but please put my seat back up. I’m short. I have to pull on the steering wheel to get the seat to move up. No, I don’t; it’s automatic. Still, one of these days I’m going to pop that steering wheel off in my face. It’ll redefine airbag.

We’ll have our thing. Sure. It’ll be cute. But then you have your thing and I’ll have my thing, and we’ll still have something to talk about. Besides the weather: it rained today. There was only a 20 percent chance of rain today, but it rained today. Oh? You were there. Right. So, how about that rain today. There was only a 20 percent chance.

You leave the seat up and I’ll leave the seat down and we’ll both shut up already. You don’t put the seat down for me. I don’t put the seat up for you. Even stephen. Now, put that lid down because no one really likes to look at an open toilet.

I’ll cook, you’ll clean, and vice-versa. Done. You make breakfast for dinner and I’ll make dinner for breakfast and we’ll laugh together at all the people eating sandwiches for lunch while we eat sandwiches for lunch and reminisce over our favorite picnic lunches that don’t involve each other. Mine was in Oxford in June in 2005. You can start there.

Boots Grilling 2Good luck,

P.S. Every once in a while we should read the same book at the same time and talk about it as we go along. That’s just cool.


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25 thoughts on “Monthly Peace Challenge: Peace at Home

    • I figured relationship advice from me is a joke, so I made it one. I took courage from your humorous post to be humorous myself.


      • Same here. I can’t really comment on it since I’m such a failure at it. I’m glad we were both able to come to some solution on this prompt though. It’s a hard one for victims of abuse.


        • It was a hard one. I didn’t want to bring that in (I write about it enough) and it’s not very peaceful. Plus, there was enough seriousness, so I wanted to break it up a little.


          • Melanie,
            You and Goldfish brought so much to the table for this month’s peace challenge. I know you were being funny which you were, but you were also oozing wisdom. Acceptance, humor, respect, and courtesy are all parts of a healthy relationship. Plus reading the same book will weed out a lot of ding-dongs who don’t read books.
            Your next relationship is a win-win. Either you get someone who treats you with the humor and tenderness you deserve or you get your Master’s Degree.
            Thank you so much for this humorous, yet wise post about the importance of peace in relationships. {{{hugs]}} Kozo
            I have devoted my life to change the way men treat women. I know this is a bit like handing you an umbrella after you’ve been pissed on, but I just wanted to let you know that you and Goldfish have been a great inspiration for me.


            • Thank you, Kozo. Yes, there is wisdom in the humor. I’m being serious about those things and it is about acceptance, humor, respect, and courtesy, as well as individualism and responsibility for one’s actions.
              {hugs} back to you!
              P.S. An umbrella is good, even after being pissed on, because it’s still raining. Stay devoted. As will I.


  1. Oh! I’ve never been a guest in anyone’s corn before – Neat!

    Fun take on the peace challenge. I’m not qualified to give relationship advice either, hence the story of fighting ducks. 🙂

    Thank you for the link!


    • Welcome to the corn. Take an ear and stay a while.
      I enjoyed your post. It was different-good different. You’re welcome for the link.


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There you have it. Your turn.