
Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure – “Whether your own or someone else’s, literal or figurative, take us on a photographic adventure.”

If there’s one thing I have pictures of it’s adventure. I seek it. An exciting or unusual experience? Sign me up. It doesn’t take much, though, for me to consider something an adventure. Just trying a new trail on a run is adventure to me–what logs, trees, rocks, roots, or bends are ahead?

But so is an impromptu weekend at the beach, a week vacation at the lake, a muddy obstacle race, rock climbing, back-country camping, moving half-way across the country, taking a day-trip or road trip, going on a month-long study abroad…adventure and I are old friends. In fact, I am on an adventure right now and tomorrow, for the first, and probably last time in my life I will be going trap shooting. I had to google trap shooting.

I expose my kids to adventure too. Life should have excitement. Even if it’s as simple as riding bikes along the river, over bridges, and under overpasses. Imagination comes too. Because what isn’t an adventure with a 6- and 4-year-old eager to make-up tales of the mystical creatures and talking animals we meet along the way.

Setting off on our adventure

Setting off on our adventure

One of several bridges, and possible home to a family of friendly trolls

One of several bridges, and possible home to a family of friendly trolls

Under the overpass

Under the overpass

Adventure was everywhere. We searched for fairies and trolls and bugs and lizards alike. They imagined whole worlds beyond the scope of their sight. What wasn’t an adventure in experience, was in imagination. Children are good for reminding us that adventure doesn’t need to be grand and expensive to be exciting and memorable.


Your love, help, and support is still needed for Rara and Grayson: also known as The Queen CreativePosting Tuesdays, and RarasaurHelp is neededif you can. Learn more at #RawrLove.


*Featured Image – Copyright Melanie (WritingInBoots) – Chattahoochee National Recreation Area, Atlanta, GA

**The ads (which may appear) below are not mine, but they keep this free for me. Do with them as you choose.

13 thoughts on “Adventure

    • Helmets are an automatic. Thank goodness. It’s one thing I don’t have to fight with them over.
      This was wasn’t an old train tracks. It follows the river. We do have the Silver Comet Trail which was a rail line, but, until I buy a gun, I’m not running on that one.


There you have it. Your turn.